Author Interview: Mistral Dawn

I would like to thank Mistral Dawn author of Taken by the Huntsman, Bound by the Summer Prince and Intrigue in the Summer Court for being here with us today. Welcome Mistral.Mistral Dawn avatar

MD: Thank you, Grandma Peachy! πŸ™‚ I’m happy to be here!

GP: I’m sure that our audience would like to know more about you; could you tell us about yourself and your interests when you aren’t writing?

MD: Well, I rescue cats and kittens out of my home (please spay or neuter your pets! πŸ™‚ ), love to read, and occasionally impersonate a graduate student. πŸ˜‰

GP: For those who haven’t read your books how would you describe your books? What makes your books different from others in the same genre?

MD: My books are fantasy, romance novels mainly set in the realm of Fairie. They are meant for an 18+ audience with adult subject, violence, graphic sexual content and BDSM themes. I often tackle ethical questions in my stories, not in a “preachy” way but to, hopefully, make people think. I love it when someone writes to me and tells me they had never before considered an issue I brought up. It’s awesome when I can make someone go, hmmm…. πŸ™‚

GP: It seems many authors have been writers since youth. When did you begin writing and what made you decide to begin publishing your work?

MD: I’ve only been writing fiction (outside of school assignments) since last year. In June 2014, I had a debate with an online friend about the nature of consent. At the time, I was also researching European mythology and somehow the two topics got tangled in my head as I slept. I woke from a dream with the plot for Taken By The HuntsmanTaken by the Huntsman cover Mistral Dawn in my head. When I texted a friend with the idea, she was kind enough to say she thought it was interesting. I wrote the first couple chapters and emailed them to her, and she said she was hooked and wanted to read the rest. So I wrote it.

GP: Who gave you the best advice when you first began writing for publication and what was that advice? What would you tell new authors just starting on their adventure into publishing?

MD: I’ve gotten so much good advice from so many people, it’s hard to pinpoint just one piece of advice. I will say that Tracy St. John’s series of blog posts on indie publishing helped me navigate many of the technical aspects of publishing. She was also kind enough to correspond with me through email and answered many of my questions. And her books are red hot, if anyone here likes sci-fi erotica. πŸ˜‰ For someone just starting out, I’d say make sure you’re respecting other people’s copyrights (cover art, teasers, trailers, etc) the same way you’d want your copyright respected. And also register your copyright officially, for your own peace of mind.

GP: Has publishing changed the way you view your writing? What would you tell new authors just starting on their adventure into publishing?

MD: No, not really. It’s changed the way I look at marketing, though. I never knew it was so difficult. I’d tell them to make friends with other authors, they’re your biggest allies. πŸ™‚

GP: Are you a planner who outlines before writing your story or are you a pantser who starts with an idea and just lets the story unfold as you write?

MD: A little of both. I don’t sit down and formally outline, but I do know in my head how the story will go before I start writing.

GP: You are having a cover reveal this Saturday, Halloween Day, for your upcoming book. Tell us about Captivated by the Winter King, without giving us spoilers of course!

MD: Ha! I’m really excited about Captivated By The Winter King and can’t wait until November 30th when I can share it with everyone. In this story Kate, a human woman who is on the run from her abusive fiance, and Ankou, the king of Fairie’s Winter Court and a fallen god of death, are united in a magical soulmate bond. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of political upheaval in the Winter Court and not everyone is thrilled to have a new queen. Also, Kate’s prior experiences with men make it difficult for her to trust Ankou. To help her overcome her past trauma, Ankou invites Kate to experiment with BDSM. She’s amazed to discover that she enjoys both dominating and being dominated, as well as how much freedom there is in surrender. πŸ˜‰

GP: What do you have planned after the release of Captivated by the Winter King? Will there be more in this series or do you have a new series planned?

MD: I have at least two more full-length novels planned for the Spellbound Hearts series, as well as quite a few short stories. But before I write those stories, there is a new cyberpunk series I’ve been kicking around in my head that I’d like to get started on. I also have ideas for an urban fantasy series and at least one sci-fi horror novel. But I don’t know what the timing on those will be. πŸ™‚

GP: Where can readers find you and your books? Do you have links you would like to share so readers can find you and your books?

MD: All of my books are on Amazon and you can find them here: , I also have a blog, , a Facebook page, , and I’m on Twitter,

The individual book links for the Spellbound Hearts series are here:

Taken By The Huntsman:
Bound By The Summer Prince:
Intrigue In The Summer Court:
Captivated By The Winter King (pre-order):

GP: Thank you so much for taking time to be with us today, Mistral. We all look forward to your newest book, Captivated by the Winter King. Readers, please check back on Friday to read reviews of all three books in Mistral Dawn’s Spellbound Hearts series.

MD: You’re welcome, Grandma Peachy, and thank you for having me here! πŸ™‚

Happy Reading!
Grandma Peachy

About grandmapeachy

I am a retired grandmother and amateur quilter. Generally I do not discuss religion and politics with people other than my family and even then I do more listening than talking. Because I dislike confrontation this blog is a way for me to express opinions that I hold on these and other issues without having to delve into controversial discussions with others who may not agree with me. I am also an avid supporter of indie authors. There are a lot of great books that are not available through traditional publishing and I believe that these stories need to be brought to the attention of the reading public.
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3 Responses to Author Interview: Mistral Dawn

  1. mistralkdawn says:

    Thank you so much!!! πŸ™‚


  2. Pingback: Author Interview: Mistral Dawn | mistralkdawn

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